Beyond Payroll
Market Dimensions doesn’t stop at payroll. In addition to our core payroll services, we offer several optional strategic payroll services to assist you with managing your payroll responsibilities.
Supervisor Web-Based Access
Our payroll software is web-enabled, allowing our clients to access certain payroll and employee information over the internet.
Employee Web Access
Our system also has the capability to provide web access to employees. Employees would be able to view their pay history, vacation balances, and other basic employee information and forms over the web.
Time and Attendance
We have web-based software that provides an economical and valuable time and attendance solution. Through our TimeForce software, a computer with internet access becomes your time clock. Approved time then directly integrates to our payroll solution.
401(k) Plan
Market Dimensions offers a 401(k) plan option for our payroll clients through a multiple-employer plan sponsored by our sister company, Staff Management, Inc. By combining investment management and administrative tasks for various employers, and accessing the highest quality providers available, we provide our clients access to an outstanding 401(k) plan. Our experience shows that the costs of such a plan are typically much less than with a traditional single-employer 401(k) plan. We partner with Savant Capital Management for investment management expertise, and use BlueStar Retirement Services, Inc. for recordkeeping and third-party administration. We believe we can demonstrate a superior plan, a superior employee experience, and a lower-total-cost structure than what you would likely find on your own.
ACA Reporting
Wading through the rules and regulations of the Affordable Care Act is not for the timid. Let us help you determine if you are required to do the ACA reporting. We’ve studied the law and can create the 1094-C for your business and the 1095-C’s for your employees. We take the guesswork out of ACA reporting.